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May 5, 2011

Create a Log In Page via PHP Script (2)

Arrange the folder to make easier to manage your data.

[ + ] ips
[ - ] dudes
[ - ] geology
[ - ] natures

Make sure that folders that you created can easier to arrange your data and easier to understand.

Create file index.php in "ips" folder.

copy the script below to index.php
1. < ? php
2. session_start();
3. include 'geology/stl.css';
4. include 'dudes/conf.php';

5. ? >

6. < table width = 100% border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing = 0 height=100% >
7. < tr >
8. < td name='tma' width=100% align=center >
9. < ? php
10. if (($_SESSION["ubka"]!='')&&($_SESSION['uviw']=='1')){
12. include 'natures/mp.php';
13. }else{
14. include 'natures/login.php';
15. }
17. if($_GET['quite']=='yes'){
18. session_destroy();
19. ?>
20. < SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
21. window.location="index.php";
22. < /SCRIPT >
23. < ? php
24. }
25. ? >
26. < /td >
27. < /tr >
28. < /table >

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