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Sep 30, 2012

HOTEL FACILITY :: VingCard :: Equipment

VingCard is the key rooms in the form of a magnetic card.

Equipment required:


  1. Pentium 4 computer with a Microsoft operating system Windows SP2 (Home / Professional). provided that: There COM port (be careful, as many computers have no Comnya port) which is the link between a computer slot with ENCODER (tool making magnetic card). While other terms; accordance with standard computer equipment (with DDR2 RAM or with DDR1pun still can, Hard Drive: 20 GB, USB Slot)

  2.  ENCODER (tools to make Magnetic Card): This tool is a product of Norway and the tool is already there supporting software created by VingCard Factory: Vision (It is now up to version 5.7)

  3. LockLink: a tool that looks sort of PDA (Personal Data assistance) that functions as a key setup VingCard. Lockling need 2 programs are: Active Sinc (Version 4.2) and Program LockLink (3:27 Version).

  4. Contact Card: is the interface between LockLink with the room key. The relationship between Locklink with Contact card, using the relationship Infra RED

Sep 29, 2012

HOTEL FACILITY :: VingCard :: How To Install LockLink

LOCKLINK Program: the operating system of LockLink Tool. The program also contained a serial number VingCard shipped from the factory, called LockLink Code.

Example:Locklink Code: PiJyepRyN2PcControl Code: 38CE
Step2 and Installation Program as the following sequence:
1. Vision:1.1. Insert the CD and click Vision Vision Install1.2. Click V5.7 and V5.7 Click install1.3. Click Continue1.4. Choose: Perserver vision-install program and database1.5. Select No to the statement: Are You installing vision on ...) and click Continue1.6. Select Windows Service - Default - and click Continue - click Continue1.7. Choose: install and empty Database1.8. Will be notified Password Database: 3000, click OK1.9. Select: Install standard Vision - Click Continue1.10. Choose Normal - Click Continue1.11. enter Code EV / ES Number, License Code and Max Locks Code1.12. If all Code True, it will appear Confirmation, and click Yes1.13. Select English and click Continue.
2. Plug the device into the computer via the port Encoder Com. and do setting number of rooms and other settings with Vision program and the data that have been made should be backed up (click Menu Backup). so that if tomorrow there is an error that has been made of data can be restored again. Backup data can be stored anywhere, such as in D.

How to Restore:2.1. Click Start - Click click VingCard Program _2.2. Click Kli Visions5.7 and Restore2.3. Browse Data Backup (in the example D)

3. Perform Installation of Active Sinc (Active Sinc version 4.2). Search in the CD and do the setup program as usual.
4. Connect the device to a computer via Pot Locklink USB. Installing Active Sinc If true then it will be declared as: Connected (which means the computer is connected to the Lock Link) next:
5. Installation Program 3:27 Locklink Version: pilib Desktop Installation - LL326 Click Setup ... install and click Continue. After that the device will appear Locklink demand for installation into equipment LockLink Program. Click OK, and the emerging demand to fill Locklink Code (type in your serial Number of Lock Link) then click ok just to complete the installation. So Locklink tools already have LockLink Operating System.
Note: at the time of installation Locklink Program, there entered licensenya error that would arise at Locklink to upload data from VingCard Lock. Licence to change the code themselves do not need to reinstall, but can be changed via the menu in LockLInk:

1. Click My device2. Click Nand Flash3. Click VingCard4. Click VC30005. Click Setlic6. Enter Code LockLink correct.

6. Download the data that has been made in the Vision Program (Computers) such as room number and so the tool Locklink:

6.1. Click LockLinks6.2. Click the Program Locks6.3. Choose ByGroup: means all room numbers that have been made selected all6.4. Click Adds (all numbers will be entered into the tool Locklinks)6.5. Click the Sends
7. Perform numbering on each key with the tool locklink connected to each key corresponding number. Relationships with key Locklink use connection: Infra Red. So the Infra Red connection not specify cable system or other.


As explained above, Locklink is a tool that looks like a PDA and data from Vision downloaded on to Locklink (See locklink installation process). As stated above, locklink function as a tool for setting locks on each room and giving the number in each room key, but there are still some functions LOCKLINK. 
LockLINK function is as follows:

E.1. For setting and giving room key number
E.2. To Verify each event in each room key (Max: 600 events)
E.3. To Unlocking

Description of each function

E.1. Giving room key number with Lock Link:

E. 1.1. Click VisionLinks menu (Menu on the tool Locklink)
E. 1.2. Enter Paswword: 3000
E. 1.3. click upload
E. 1.4. Click on the number of rooms that will be transferkan
E. 1.5. click Programs
E. 1.6. There is a request to insert the key into the Contact Card
E. 1.7. Bring Locklink To Contact Card (Contact Connection card with Locklink using Infra red, so it should be close enough so that a transfer of data)
E. 1.8. Will occur automatically transfer data from Locklink to Lock
E. 1.9. When finished, Remove Card

E. 2. To Verify the Data key or key data Interesting to see the event or events that occur in the room key: (MENU EVENTS)

E. 2.1. Click on the Menu event of locklink
E. 2.2. click NEW
E. 2.3. There is a request to insert the key into the Contact Card, once entered, Bring LockLink To Contact Card
E. 2.4. Otomats will be key to the transfer of data from Lock Links
E. 2.5. to see the event - Click View, and if you want to see details click View again


1. Move data from Lock Link to Computers, in particular by:
    1.1. Connect the data cable from the computer to the Lock link
    1.2. At Vision Program Menu, Click the Report
    1.3. Click Lock Tab, and click RECEIVE, click START

2. Click NO. The rooms are about to see eventnya, click Preview

E.3. LockLinks Functions to open the door (open menu), if the battery runs out on the room key
        E. 3.1. Locklink Connect to a computer, Open Vision Program
                    E. 3.1.1. MENU click LOCKLINK
                    E. 3.1.2. Click the OPEN LOCK (aim to collect data in the computer room that will 

                                    be open key).
                    E. 3.1.3. Click the TAB BY LOCKS; Choose a room that will be opened as no.105: 

                                   105 clicks and click ADD
                     E. 3.1.4. Click SEND, there is the question: the open file locks in only 1.0 hours, 

                                    Continue? Click OK. . Then a transfer of data from computer to Lock 

        E. 3.2. Link Lock off.
        E. 3.3. In Lock links: click Open, and there will be a demand put to 

                    Key Contact Card Room
                    E. 3.4. lock Open

Once the doors opened, locks replaced the battery and did upload the data again to give back the key number.

Every replace the battery to do numbering again on the room key (locklink to upload the data from your room key).


1. Removable battery
2. Click upload on locklink
3. Appears "Communication Error"
4. Then put the battery back.

Sep 27, 2012


1. Run VingCard Vision 4.1.


2. Check the contents of DataBase Early (before the addition),  Ensure That the Database Right There Is No Such Addition


3. Database Backup Early, With Selecting "Backup" Menu / Button

4. Click the "System Setup" Menu / Button

5. Click the "Locks"  Menu / Button 

 6.  Select the  "Lock Groups" + Next : option

7. Select the  "Change an Existing Lock Group" option and then Menu "GUEST ROOM" in the Drop Down then Next

8. Select the "Guest door locks" 

9. Select the "Vingcard" option then Next


10. Do not Tick "Whatever" then Next.  

11. Select the "Normal" option then Next

12. Fill Range: 801 to 820 + Build

13. No. 801 s / d 820 + has been done select all the new number and then press the "<" button.

14. Rooms Number: 801 to 820 have been moved to the left of the and then press Next button.

15. Select back number: 801 to 820 Press the "<" and then press Next button..

16. Room No. 801 s / d 820 Has Left and then Move To The Next.

17. Note the Next Page, Looks No. 801 s / d 820 has been Added and then Press the Finish button.

18. Note the Next Page, Looks No. 801 s / d 820 has been Added

19. Click the Menu / Button "Keycard Types".

20. Select the option "Change Existing keycard Type" Dropdown Menu and Select "GUEST ROOMS" + Next.

 21. Select the "Rooms" option and then press Next button..

22. Select the "Issue Time" option and then press Next button..

23. Select All Room No. 801 s / d 820 + Press "<" button and then press Next button..

 24. Room No. 801 s / d 820 Being Has Left The and then Next Page.

 25. Do not Pick Anything and then press Next button..

26. Press the Finish button.

27. Press the Yes button.

28. Return to Main Menu Page.

29. Perform Restore Database (Select the Start Menu Restorer :: VingCard + + + Vision Restorer) 
Important: Ensure Application "VingCard Vision" in a state of active and "Vision ASA Server" Also in a state of active.

30. Press the "Users".

 31. Press the  "Shutdown" button.


32. Press the "Yes".


 33. Turn Back Applicability VingCard Vision.

34. Click Menu "Guest keycards" Note that Room No. 801 s / d 820 Has Some On VingCard Vision.


35. Finish

Sep 24, 2012

Prediction :: Nostradamus Predicted the coming Iran War

With tens of thousands of US troops massing on two of Iran’s borders, three US aircraft carrier fleets speeding toward the Persian Gulf and the largest ever joint missile exercise between Israel and the US, world spectators are holding their breath this week fearful that world war 3 is about to start. As always when global occurrences threaten the existence of humankind, the world’s residents look to the most proven future seeing in human history – Nostradamus.

After the attacks of 9/11 and in the build-up to the first Iraq war, Americans rushed to buy Nostradamus books to see what the visionary prophesied. The internet became flooded with fictitious and counterfeit Nostradamus quotes, many of which found themselves being rebroadcast in corporate newscasts. With the current preparations being made for the upcoming US-Israel-Iran war, we at Whiteout Press thought we would take a look at Nostradamus’ writings for ourselves.

In case you missed it, two weeks ago Whiteout Press published its most widely distributed article ever by the independent news outlet, ‘US Troops going to Israel’. Yesterday, we continued to bring our readers the next round of breaking stories concerning the current Middle East crisis with the article, ‘Is this the Eve of Middle East War?’.

Now, we bring you our readers, the mysterious and yet prophetic words of the famed sixteenth century seer Nostradamus. Since at the time of Nostradamus, there was no United States, Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia or Turkey, one must be able to substitute the mid-millennia nations for today’s. When Nostradamus refers to Persia, he’s talking about Iran. When he mentions The New City, he’s referring to the USA. To refer to modern-day Israel, the French psychic would use terms such as Jerusalem or Judea. For Saudi Arabia, the prophet called it Greater Arabia or Arabia. And for Turkey, Nostradamus called it Constantinople or Byzantium.

As most know, Nostradamus used multiple languages, including astronomy and astrology to mask his premonitions from the Church who would have tortured and executed him for it. Therefore, many of Nostradamus’ quatrains could very well refer to the upcoming Middle East war, but we’ll never know until after the fact. For this article, we at Whiteout Press searched all of Nostradamus’ prophecies for the key words ‘Persia’ and 'Arabia'.

Here’s what we found (do your own custom search at

Nostradamus Century 1, Quatrain 70:
Rain, famine and war will not cease in Persia;
too great a faith will betray the monarch.
Those (actions) started in France will end there,
a secret sign for one to be sparing.

Nostradamus Century 1, Quatrain 73:
France shall be accused of neglect by her five partners.
Tunis, Algiers stirred up by the Persians.
Leon, Seville and Barcelona having failed,
they will not have the fleet because of the Venetians.

Nostradamus Century 2, Quatrain 96:
Burning torch will be seen in the sky at night
Near the end and beginning of the Rhone:
Famine, steel: the relief provided late,
Persia turns to invade Macedonia.

Nostradamus Century 3, Quatrain 64:
The chief of Persia will occupy great "Olchades,"
The trireme fleet against the Mahometan people
From Parthia, and Media: and the Cyclades pillaged:
Long rest at the great Ionian port.

Nostradamus Century 3, Quatrain 77:
The third climate included under Aries
The year 1727 in October,
The King of Persia captured by those of Egypt:
Conflict, death, loss: to the cross great shame.

Nostradamus Century 3, Quatrain 78:
The chief of Scotland, with six of Germany
Captive of the Eastern seamen:
They will pass Gibraltar and Spain,
Present in Persia for the fearful new King.

Nostradamus Century 5, Quatrain 25:
The Arab Prince Mars, Sun, Venus, Leo,
The rule of the Church will succumb by sea:
Towards Persia very nearly a million men,
The true serpent will invade Byzantium and Egypt.

Nostradamus Century 5, Quatrain 27:
Through fire and arms not far from the Black Sea,
He will come from Persia to occupy Trebizond:
Pharos, Mytilene to tremble, the Sun joyful,
The Adriatic Sea covered with Arab blood.

Nostradamus Century 5, Quatrain 86:
Divided by the two heads and three arms,
The great city will be vexed by waters:
Some great ones among them led astray in exile,
Byzantium hard pressed by the head of Persia.

Nostradamus Century 10, Quatrain 21
Through the spite of the King supporting the lesser one,
He will be murdered presenting the jewels to him:
The father wishing to impress nobility on the son
Does as the Magi did of yore in Persia.

Some of these prophecies, like the one that references the date October 1727, are obviously not referring to the current confrontation.  Others however, are hauntingly similar to today’s current events.

Century 5, Quatrain 25:
The Arab Prince Mars, Sun, Venus, Leo,
The rule of the Church will succumb by sea:
Towards Persia very nearly a million men,
The true serpent will invade Byzantium and Egypt.

War in today’s Middle East has already been plotted out by the various nations involved. Here’s how the modern day scenario is expected to play out – Israel launches a strike, possibly nuclear, on Iran to disable its nuclear capabilities. Iran responds by launching attacks on Israel and US ally Turkey, as Iran has already stated it will do if attacked. US carriers and war ships will launch attacks on Iran from the Persian Gulf. Russian made anti-ship missiles will be utilized by Iran to take out the US Navy. NATO troops will deploy to Turkey to protect their ally. The one million-man Iranian-backed army will march across Iran’s ally Iraq, and into Israel and Turkey. Israel at the time of Nostradamus, was controlled by Egypt and Turkey was called Byzantium.

This Quatrain literally spells out Iran’s already-stated military response if attacked by Israel or the US. Consider another striking observation. A common theme in many of the above Nostradamus predictions is the loss of America’s Naval fleet. Statements include: ‘The rule of the Church will succumb by sea’, ‘The great city will be vexed by waters’, ‘The chief of Scotland, with six of Germany Captive of the Eastern seamen’, ‘The trireme fleet against the Mahometan people’, ‘Long rest at the great Ionian port’, ‘they will not have the fleet because of the Venetians’. These lines aren’t from the whole of Nostradamus’ collection either. They are only from the Quatrains that mention Persia/Iran.

The most haunting Quatrain however, comes from a search of Nostradamus’ predictions centered around the word ‘Arabian’, as in Saudi Arabia:

Nostradamus Century 6, Quatrain 44
By night the Rainbow will appear for Nantes,
By marine arts they will stir up rain:
In the Gulf of Arabia a great fleet will plunge to the bottom,
In Saxony a monster will be born of a bear and a sow.

First, Nantes is a region of France. And many of Nostradamus’ prophecies dealing with Persia, war and the New City, also include references to France, ‘Those (actions) started in France will end there’, ‘France shall be accused of neglect by her five partners’, etc. France on the west’s side, along with Egypt on the east’s, has long been used and considered a fair and impartial middleman in negotiations between the globes two regions, religions and governments. Nostradamus would suggest that in this next confrontation, France will somehow let her partners, 5 of them, down.

Another hugely important line is, ‘By marine arts they will stir up rain’. The US government has been accused for decades of having “weather machines”, capable of creating hurricanes, earthquakes and other natural disasters. Could Nostradamus be describing this very same weapon, only being used in this coming conflict to the detriment of America’s own fleet?
Also consider another Quatrain about Arabia that describes a great battle to come:

Nostradamus Century 3, Quatrain 31
On the field of Media, of Arabia and of Armenia
Two great armies will assemble thrice:
The host near the bank of the Araxes,
They will fall in the land of the great Suleiman.

Remember, ‘Media’ is in Iran. Armenia, Iran’s northern neighbor, has been forever fought over by the Turks, Persians, Russians and Europeans. The Araxes is located in eastern Turkey, the location of Iran’s announced invasion in response to a US or Israeli attack. And the land of the great Suleiman, is also Turkey. In fact, most of the above Quatrains reference ancient cities that are in either Iran or Turkey.

Let’s take a closer look at Nostradamus’ prediction that, “In the Gulf of Arabia, a great fleet will plunge to the bottom”. Right now as this article is being written, the US Navy has sped two full aircraft carrier fleets to the Arabian Sea, where they currently wait for a third US carrier fleet led by the USS Abraham Lincoln to arrive. While the US government insists it is simply a “coincidence”, having 3 full aircraft carrier fleets in the Arabian Sea at the same time is practically unheard of.

But could the Iranians sink the largest surface fleet in the world? Consider this quote from three years ago:
“Those two countries [Russia and China] have an advanced technology that most people dramatically underestimate. Russia right now has a few surface to surface missiles that we have no defense against except to put a helicopter in between the missile and the target. I hope and pray that we never have to go to war with Russia or China in the future especially after working intel in the Navy aboard the USS Enterprise. I'm not out of date either, I discharged off that ship august of 2007 and we were observing some serious ****. Most of those things would give you nightmares and cause utter chaos to the general public if they ever got wind of what was actually going on.”

The fact is, while the US has spent its energy and money developing aircraft carriers and accompanying aircraft, America’s enemies have spent that time developing anti-ship missiles that could destroy an entire aircraft carrier in the blink of an eye.

Also remember the transfer of America’s top secret missile technology to China in the 1990’s by President Clinton. Read the Whiteout Press Timeless article, ‘How China Conquered America’ for details. That allowed Communist China, and her allies, to speed past the US in missile technology, allowing China to be the first country to successfully use weapons in outer space. That’s a fact. And with China and Russia’s command in missile armaments over the US, the first strike by any US enemy will be upon America’s satellites, thus rendering the entire United States military deaf, dumb, blind and immobile.

If Nostradamus’ predictions are accurate, it would appear the 16th century prophet is warning America that if it goes to war with Iran and the entire Muslim and Arab world, its fleet will be at the bottom of the Arabian Sea and hundreds of thousands of US troops stationed in the Middle East will be surrounded, cut-off and slaughtered, a thousand miles behind enemy lines.

While this American author doesn’t like imagining that any more than the next proud US citizen, a prudent war master like Sun Tzu would suggest, or demand rather, that we take into account all possibilities and warnings. For as Sun Tzu taught, ‘win the battle before you fight it’, and ‘only fight battles you’re positive you’re going to win’.

Also, as a life-long student of Sun Tzu, Nostradamus and others, this author can say with all honesty, God gave mankind freewill. That means nothing is written in stone. While our destiny is lodged in one outcome today, we have it in our power to change our destiny. The harder part is enlisting the humility to take an honest look at the current scenario and have the courage and readjust as needed. If that isn’t done, America may be doomed to repeat the Confederate quote from America’s civil war, “They’d rather lose the war than admit to the mistake”.

We, as well as most of the world, hope and pray that Israel, Iran and the United States somehow find a peaceful way to end this rapidly approaching conflict. As Nostradamus warns us, nobody will win. The US fleet will be at the bottom of the sea, Israel will be overrun, Turkey will be destroyed repeatedly, France will betray her allies, a monster will be born in Germany, Christianity will be destroyed, and the sea will be covered with Arab blood.

If that’s the tomorrow the citizens of Earth want, so be it. Those of us less motivated by greed, power and hate are begging the world’s leaders to slow down and see exactly where their actions, threats and pride are taking us, before it’s too late.

Prediction :: Did Nostradamus Predict World War III?

Nostradamus isn't known for his cheery prophecies. Most interpreters of the 16th century physician, astrologer and prophet say he accurately predicted two world wars, the rise of two antichrists (Napoleon and Hitler), and even the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

While skeptics are quick to point out that Nostradamus's quatrains (the four-line verses in which he wrote his prophecies) are so cryptic that they can be interpreted in any number of ways, scholars who have meticulously studied his work conclude that Nostradamus has been uncanny in his predictions of some of the most dramatic events of the 20th and previous centuries.

But what of the 21st century? What, if anything, does Nostradamus have to say about the events of this new century, this new millennium? Many fear that his prophecies point to the event that most of the world has been dreading since the end of World War II and the introduction of nuclear weapons: World War III... doomsday... Armageddon. 

Some say it's right around the corner, and with the events of Sept. 11 still haunting our psyche and the continuing tensions in the Middle East, a new war with global involvement isn't hard to imagine.

The Start of WW III
Several years ago, author David S. Montaigne predicted the next world war would start in 2002 in his unambiguously tilted book, Nostradamus: World War III 2002. Although Nostradamus never specifically names the year in which World War III would begin, Montaigne cites this quatrain:
From brick to marble, the walls will be converted,
Seven and fifty peaceful years:
Joy to mankind, the aqueduct renewed,
Health, abundant fruits, joy and honey-making times.
Quatrain 10:89

Although it can be debated that the 57 years previous to 2002 were peaceful and a joy to mankind, Montaigne interpreted this quatrain as meaning "progress for fifty-seven years between World War II and World War III." And since the Second World War ended in 1945, 57 years brought us to 2002.
Who would start the war and how? Montaigne pointed the finger at Osama bin Laden who, he says, would continue to stir up anti-American feelings within Islamic nations and will mastermind his attacks on the West from Istanbul, Turkey (Byzantium):
Of beyond the Black Sea and of the great Tartary,
A king comes who will see Gaul,
Piercing across Alania and Armenia,
And within Byzantium hw will leave his bloody rod.

Was Montaigne wrong? Some would argue that the September 11 attacks and our subsequest "War on Terrorism" could represent the opening battles in a conflict that could eventually escalate to World War III.

Prediction :: Nostradamus About 3rd War World

The second anti-Christ Nostradamus wrote about was "a man stained with murder...the great enemy of the human who was worse than any who had gone before...bloody and inhuman."  Experts are in agreement that the sixteenth century prophet was referring to Adolf Hitler.

Out of the deepest part of the west of Europe,
From poor people a young child shall be born,
Who with his tongue shall seduce many people,
His fame shall increase in the Eastern Kingdom.

Adolf Hitler, born in Austria of poor parents, with his knowledge of mob psychology and powers of speech, was successful in seducing many people , even in the Eastern Empire of Japan.  In some quatrains Nostradamus refers to Hitler as the child or sometimes captain of Germany. Here are two examples:

He shall come to tyrannize the land.
He shall raise up a hatred that had long been dormant.
The child of Germany observes no law.
Cries, and tears, fire, blood, and battle.

A captain of Germany shall come to yield himself by false hope,
So that his revolt shall cause great bloodshed.

All of these images certainly describe Adolf Hitler.  After seducing his people, Hitler ignored all treaties and began a massive invasion of Europe. In the following verse, some experts say that Nostradamus actually referred to Hitler by name but missed by one letter.  (A side note : "Hister" is the ancient name for the river Danube also.)

Beasts wild with hunger will cross the rivers
The greater part of the battlefield will be against Hister.

Finally, Nostradamus sums up Hitler's life and even predicts the fact that his death in Berlin in 1945 would never be confirmed:
Near the Rhine from the Austrian mountains
Will be born a great man of the people, come too late.
A man who will defend Poland and Hungary
And whose fate will never be certain.

The 3rd and final Anti-Christ

According to Nostradamus, the first two anti-Christs were extremely evil, and history has shown this to be so; however, Nostradamus speaks of a third anti-Christ who is more hideous than all the others combined.  Some have said Sadaam Hussein, the dictator from Iraq (proved false now), or even Osama Bin Laden. Could he be this evil tyrant?  Others say that he has not yet appeared.  What does Nostradamus say about this third anti-Christ?  First, Nostradamus tells us he will come from the Middle East.

Out of the country of Greater Arabia Shall be born a strong master of Mohammed,
He will enter Europe wearing a blue turban.
He will be the terror of mankind.
Never more horror.

Here, Nostradamus says that a man from Greater Arabia will lead his forces on an invasion through Europe.  This invasion will start a third world war that will be far worse than all the other wars put together.  When will all this take place? In one quatrain Nostradamus gives us an exact date in which the war will be well under way. 

In the year 1999 and seven months
From the sky will come the great King of Terror.
He will bring back to life the King of the Mongols;
Before and after war reigns.

Nostradamus predicts  the war will begin shortly before the year 1999. It doesn't make much sense to this author, but many are now saying that the 'war' was set 'in motion' in 1999, and now after Septermeber 11th these things are going to come true... as we are now 'at war with terror.' Interpret it how you will.  He also tells us how long the war will last.

The war will last seven and twenty years. (so 27 years)   

Nostradamus says that the war will be so terrible that the world will come face to face with final annihilation.  Here, he implies that the war might involve some kind of horrible weapon, possibly nuclear.  Nostradamus tells what the first target will be.

The sky will burn at forty-five degrees.
Fire approaches the great new city.

In this phrase, Nostradamus refers to a great city in the new world of America near forty-five degrees latitude.  Experts agree this could only be New York.  I know many of you are thinking of other websites that claim this means he predicted September 11th. Again, interpret it how you will. The sky did burn at 45 degrees, but New York was not destroyed, nor was it a nuclear attack.

By fire he will destroy their city,
A cold and cruel heart,
Blood will pour,
Mercy to none.

Although Nostradamus 's predictions for our future sound frightening, the accuracy and dates he gave do not seem to flow. Are they being misinterpreted, or are they just plain wrong? Is the New City at 45 degrees yet to be destroyed? He does give us some hope by telling us how this third world war will end.  He says it will end as a result of an unexpected alliance.

When those of the Northern Pole are united,
In the East will be great fear and dread...
One day the two great leaders will be friends;
Their great powers will be seen to grow.
The New Land will be at the height of its power:
To the man of blood the number is reported.

Again, the new land was a common term used by Nostradamus to refer to what we now call America.  The countries of the northern pole could be Russia and the United States.  We have recently seen the breakdown of Communism in Russia and an increasing friendship between Russia and the U.S.  Perhaps the two countries will work together against the source of evil.

The End of the World

Of course, not only have the "experts" on the prophets not always been correct - the seers themselves have not always been quite so accurate in their forecasts. Although people keep claiming that "it's the world will end" they often ignore other prophecies he wrote. Nostradamus NEVER said the world would end in 1666, 1999, 2012, 2096, or any of those years. In fact, he was quite clear we would survive through all of these other conflicts, and if we took it upon ourselves, we could change / prevent what was indeed going to happen.

Time will tell if the Iraq conflict or, indeed, the World Trade Center attack had put the spark to a bigger barrel. As for the end of the world... Nostradamus predicted it to be the year 3786 or 3797, depending on which Nostradamus expert you believe.


So, some of the historical events may have Nostradamus predicted were the war with Napoleon, the American Revolution, the Civil War, the rise and the fall of Hitler, events in the British monarchy such as the abdication of Edward VIII, and the assassinations of Lincoln and John and Robert Kennedy. He also predicted three reigns of terror by persons he named as ?antichrists?.

What Nostradamus did prophesy was that a great war would come sometime during the last five years of the 20th century, presaged by famine, drought and a series of other natural disasters. This war will last close to 30 years, after which there will be one thousand years of peace, or a new golden age. Nostradamus quatrains did not go beyond 3786 or  3797. According to a letter written to one of his sons, the seer claimed this is the year the world will end.

Michel de Nostradamus, gifted French physician and prophet, made and recorded over one thousand predictions during his lifetime. Of those, some say over half have come true. As the new millennium begins his published collections of quatrains have become more popular than ever as people look for answers and direction.

Sep 23, 2012

Prediction :: The Real 2012 Prophecy: Mayans, Nostradamus, and Planet X, Oh My


The year 2012 is supposed to result in a slew of natural disasters culminating in the end of the world (as we know it, or think we know it, as the case may be). We know this prediction is true because a bunch of savage, child sacrificing, jungle-dwelling Mayans2 prophesied it hundreds of years ago through their amazingly accurate calendar. Never mind that the date for Armageddon was originally set as December 24, 2011. We now know that these events will occur at exactly 11:11 GMT on December 21 2012, even though some Mayan predictions go all the way to 4772 A.D.3 Those Mayans really knew everything about astronomy, since their calendar consisted of 260-day periods, which we now know represents the true length of the solar year! According to the Mayan calendar, the "Great Cycle" equates with 5,125.36 years, which began on August 11, 3114 B.C. and ends in 2012. Unfortunately for the Maya (but maybe fortunately for us), they ended before their calendar.

Other prophesiers

The Maya were not the only people to predict the end of the world. Incan and Egyptian calendars, as well as with the prophecies of Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce (famous for predicting from 1958-1998 that a tilting of the Earth's axis would result in "The earth will be broken up in the western portion of America. The greater portion of Japan must go into the sea."), and the I Ching, Hopi Indians, along with a slew of wackos have indicated that the apocalypse will occur in December 2012. Nostradamus predicted a great comet, Nibiru, would impact the Mediterranean on December 21, 2012 (or was it the year 1999? - close enough!).

Natural disasters

Not content with just one disaster at a time, 2012 will unleash the ultimate disaster movie - earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, and droughts (at the same time and place!). These events are thought to be caused by a polar shift, enormous asteroids, violent solar activity (never mind that the Sun is now at its most quiet phase in recorded history), the emergence of Planet X or Nibiru, and the planetary alignment of Venus. Never mind that the next Venetian alignment is actually, on June 5-6, 2012, and that the alignment will produce a gravitational interaction on the order of your neighbor's Toaster Strudel. This is real science, man! The other probable causes of these disasters relate to the earth's precession, a 26,000 year cycle that just happens to coincide with the 12/21/2012 date (how it coincides we aren't sure, but we want to throw it in so that nothing is left out). In addition, our Solar System crosses in and out of the galactic plane every 33 million years. Coincidentally, the Sun will be at the exact center of the galactic plane on December 21, 2012 (or maybe it already happened 3 million years ago - but who's counting). At the same time, there will be a massive pole shift caused by the galactic alignment between the center of the galaxy and the Sun that will cause massive earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis. What fun!

Government conspiracy

The really bad thing about 2012 is that the government knows everything about what is going to happen and they are keeping it from you. When Barack Obama talked about change, he wasn't kidding! In fact, they have set up a secret organization, including a secret website, the Institute for Human Continuity, to promote the continued survival of the human species after December 21, 2012. Among other things, the Institute is conducting a lottery to determine which humans will be selected to inhabit the subterranean cities in their "Operation Safe Haven." Surprisingly, the Institute has been operating since 1978, when they held their first Summit in in Timaru, New Zealand. You best get aboard while you can. Don't wait until 2012! If the links don't work, then I guess you were too late (or Sony pulled the movie site after they released the DVD version of their movie).

The real 2012 prophecy


In case you didn't get it, this page is satire. The "government conspiracy" websites are really a product of Sony Pictures to promote their movie. Some of my readers made me put in this disclaimer, since they didn't think that some of you could figure this out on your own. They just wanted to ruin all my fun!
Rich Deem
Since everybody else is making 2012 predictions, I thought I would throw mine into the mix. And here it is... The 2012 disasters are such good violence and mayhem that they would make the ultimate disaster movie. Hey, somebody needs to make a lot of money by taking from the ignorant interested people. Authors will write books and studios will make movies and the con artists will make lots of money—just like the good old days of Y2K.

Prepare for 2012!

There isn't much that one could do to prepare for the end of the world. Of course, if you really believe the world is going to end, then you won't be needing your money. So, you could send it to me. Alternatively, you could follow the advice Jesus gave to the rich young ruler (Matthew 19:21).


Yes, there will be earthquakes, volcanoes, floods and droughts in 2012, just as there are in every year. My 2012 prediction is that scammers will make a lot of money off gullible astute people. Now, if I could only figure out how to use that Parmesan Chicken with Pasta Rags recipe from my GE newsletter in my new GE Dishwasher. Don't miss our page devoted to Nostradamus:

Sep 22, 2012

Prediction :: Nostradamus Predictions 2012: The Greatest Prophet of Modern Times?

Nostradamus (Michel de Nostredame) is the famous prophet from the 16th century. He is noted for having predicted the French Revolution, Napoleon, Adolph Hitler, the atomic bomb, 9-11 atrocity, JFK and RFK Assassinations, and just about everything else that has happened since the time of his predictions. This page will examine some of his predictions to show just how amazing they really are.

2012 prediction

With the coming of the end of the world this December 21, 2012, according to the Mayan calendar, there is a lot of interest in the apocalypse will occur near the end of 2012. Nostradamus predicted a great comet, Nibiru, or rogue planet, Planet X, would impact the Mediterranean on December 21, 2012, causing great destruction worldwide.2 Here is that great prediction:
The year 1999, seventh month,
From the sky will come a great King of Terror:
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.
You say, "but that was supposed to happen back in July, 1999." Small details! Everybody knows that the calendar was changed from Julian to Gregorian in the year 1582, which accounts for the difference. Never mind that the differences in calendars was only 10 days, making it June or July, 1999. We know that Nostradamus meant it to be December 21, 2012!

Egyptians capture King of Persia

A great prediction of Nostradamus was the one in which he predicted that the Egyptians would capture the King of Persia in October, 1727:
The third climate included under Aries
The year 1727 in October,
The King of Persia captured by those of Egypt:
Conflict, death, loss: to the cross great shame. (3:77)
It turns out that the Shah of Persia (Ashraf Hotaki) was involved in a battle in 1727, which he won, forcing a peace treaty in September, 1727.3 However, there is speculation that a month later, the sneaky Egyptians (who were not involved in the war) crept over 1,000 miles into Hamadan, captured the King, and returned him before next morning, fulfilling the prediction of Nostradamus, while keeping their actions out of the history books. How else could the have prediction come true? We know that Nostradamus is always right!

Most evil man

Another remarkable prediction of Nostradamus was his prediction about the Roman clergy. He predicted that they would hold an election in 1609, issued from Campania, Italy that would produce the most evil man of all. And of course Nostradamus was right again, since Pope Paul V was elected in 16054 (yes, another calendar switch problem) and proved to be even more evil than Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Tse-Tung—combined! Never heard of him? Alas, your education is lacking (see Wikipedia article)! Here is the prediction of Nostradamus:
In the year 1609, Roman clergy,
At the beginning of the year you will hold an election:
Of one gray and black issued from Campania,
Never was there one so wicked as he. (10:91)

Catholic Church kicks out astrologers

Another super-accurate prophecy of Nostradamus was that the Roman Catholic Church was going to kick out the astrologers in the year 1607. Fortunately, Nostradamus (who as an astrologer) was dead by then, so he didn't have to worry about being kicked out of the church! Here is his prediction:

The number of astrologers will grow so great,
that they will be driven out, banned and their books censored.
In the year 1607 by sacred assemblies
so that none will be safe from the holy ones. (8:71)
For a long time, astrology had been part of the Roman Catholic Church—or at least tolerated by church hierarchy. However, this arrangement ended in 1781 (another calendar switch problem), when the church banned astrology and, of course, Nostradamus' prophetic writings. The most remarkable thing about the ban is that it took the Roman Catholic Church seventeen centuries to figure out that the Bible was 100% against astrology. However, Nostradamus was right again!

Carried away

Of course, I have save the best for last. Nostradamus predicted that large numbers of people would get "carried away" in the year 1700:
Long before these happenings
the people of the East, influenced by the Moon,
in the year 1700 will cause many to be carried away,
and will almost subdue the Northern area. (1:49)
What we know is that this prophecy was definitely fulfilled within the last few years as the tabloids and check stand magazines made lots of people get carried away with the prophecies of Nostradamus. Although the prophecy was fulfilled a couple hundred years late, we know that this was also due to the calendar switch problem, so Nostradamus was right again! Amazing!

Nostradamus predictions quiz!

Of course, we haven't discussed any of the predictions that have truly made Nostradamus famous. That is because we want you to figure them out in our short quiz. The quiz lists the fulfillment and asks you to pick out the correct quatrain that predicts it. Six questions. Piece of cake. Right? Go for it. Take the Nostradamus Predictions Quiz. As you can see from the results (right), people aren't doing too well on the quiz (36% average). I wonder why that is so?

Conclusion Top of page

This page has shown how remarkably 'accurate' the prophecies of Nostradamus are. Aren't you glad you stopped by? Now you can go back to reading the tabloids!
"When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing does not come about or come true, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him. (Deuteronomy 18:22)

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